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Setting Up Unique Parameters

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  1. Setting Up Unique Parameters Definition
  2. Setting Up Unique Parameters Meaning

Note: As our world comes together to slow the spread of COVID-19 pandemic, the Zoom Support Center has continued to operate 24x7 globally to support you.Please see the updated Support Guidelines during these unprecedented times. In this 3-minute robotic vacuums guide we show you how to set up custom boundaries for your robotic vacuum cleaner to prevent it from reaching where you don't want it go. It applies to Neato, Roomba and LG robotic vacuum cleaners. Remember, these are the tabs that show up underneath your profile picture in the left sidebar of your page. Step 10: Create a Facebook Business Page Username. Facebook Business Pages allow you to choose a unique username to use on the platform. To set this, click the 'About' tab in the left sidebar, and then click 'Create Page @username.'. Name Type Since Description File-File to be deployed. User property is: file. String-Server Id to map on the under section of settings.xml In most cases, this parameter will be required for authentication. 3) IN OUT parameter: These types of parameters are used to send values and get values from stored procedures. NOTE: If a parameter is not explicitly defined a parameter type, then by default it is an IN type parameter. 1) IN parameter: This is similar to passing parameters in programming languages.

By: Tim Wiseman | Updated: 2020-01-07 | Comments (9) | Related: 1 | 2 | More >Stored Procedures


One of the benefits of SQL is the ability to write a query and use parametersto dynamically act upon the resultset. Depending on the situation, there can bebenefits to parameterizing queries, but it is not always clear when or how to dothis. In this tip we look at different ways to pass in values as parametersto queries and the advantages and disadvantages.

Setting Up Unique Parameters

Properly parameterizing queries can bring advantages such as:

  • Encouragingexecution plan reuse for complex queries.
  • Providing some protection against SQL Injection Attacks under some circumstances

Generally, when creating a condition in a query where you might use one of severalvalues, it makes sense to parameterize. Option 3 march 12th payment. But, as will be discussed later in thistip, there are cases where the query cannot be fully parameterized.

Parameterizing a Query By Making It a Stored Procedure

Setting Up Unique Parameters

If you want to find the sales data for Jack, you could start with a non-parameterizedquery that just pulls up that data:

Undersome circumstances, SQL Server can attempt to parameterize this behind the scenesto facilitate execution plan reuse, but its ability to do that can be limited. Ifyou want to use this query repeatedly to get the data for different sales people,you could instead parameterize the query and turn it into a stored procedure like:

And it could be called like:

Doing it this way explicitly tells SQL Server what the parameters are, whichmakes query execution plan reuse more likely. It also ensures that the salespersonvalue is handled in a way that is normally safer and makes SQL Injection Attacksthrough this procedure more difficult.

This is substantially different from a stored procedure that builds the querythrough concatenation like:

This second version builds a non-parameterized query using dynamic sql. It issimple to exploit a procedure like this in a SQL Injection Attack. It also doesnot explicitly tell SQL Server where the parameters are.

Parameterizing in T-SQL with sp_executesql

Another direct way to parameterize a query in T-SQL is to usesp_executesql and explicitly add your parameters. It looks like:

With sp_executesql the first parameter is the SQL code to be executed, the secondlists the parameters that will be supplied and indicates whether they are outputvariables, and then the actual parameters are passed into the procedure. Both theSQL statement and the list of parameters must be presented in unicode (nvarchar,nchar, or a string prefixed by N like the parameter list in the example.)

Parameterizing in SQL from other languages

Languages that interact with SQL tend to make it simple to parameterize. To parameterizeaSqlCommand put the names of the parameters in the CommandText and then useParameters.Add to add parameters that match the name to the command before executing.It looks like:

A Python example usingpyodbc would looklike:

When the query cannot be (fully) parameterized

Parameterization brings several benefits, including some protection against SQLinjection attacks under some circumstances. But there are certain types of dynamicqueries that cannot be fully parameterized. For instance, SQL Server will not accepta table name or a column name as a parameter. If you tried to do it with sp_executesql,like:

The server merely returns a result set of 'SalesPerson'. Trying to use a parameterfor a tablename in a query causes the server to try to interpret the parameter asa table variable and gives an error like: 'Msg 1087, Level 16, State 1, Line 3 Mustdeclare the table variable '@tableName'.'

So a procedure meant to run against anarbitrary table would need to actually build the SQL command by constructingthe string. Other parts of that query could still be parameterized of course. Asimplified example could look like:

However, building the string that way can make SQL Injection attacks simpler,especially if the user is directly prompted to supply the table or column names.Depending on the expected use cases, it may be wise to perform some string validationbefore execution. Ensuring the application runs with theminimal necessaryaccess to SQL Server can help mitigate that risk to a degree.


Setting Up Unique Parameters Definition

In general, properly applied parameterization can assist in security for SQLServer and can haveperformance implications. But, some queries cannot be fully parameterized suchas when the column names, table names, or other clauses need to be added or modifieddynamically. When non-parameterized dynamic SQL is used, the performance and securityimplications should be kept in mind.

Next Steps
  • To find more on parameterizing in the context of dynamic SQL, look at ErlandSommarskog'sThe Curseand Blessings of Dynamic SQL
  • SQL Injection: Defense in Depth has more on using parameterization as onelayer of defense against some SQL injection attacks.
  • Ad Hoc Queries Don't Reuse Execution Plans: Myth or Fact has more on executionplan reuse
  • SQL Server Simple and Forced Parameterization has more information on howto encourage SQL Server to reuse query execution plans without explicitly parameterizingthe queries yourself.

Last Updated: 2020-01-07

About the author
Tim Wiseman is a SQL Server DBA and Python Developer in Las Vegas.
View all my tips
Related Resources
Setting Up Unique Parameters

HowToDoInJava / TestNG / TestNG @Parameters – Test parameters example

One of the important features of TestNG is parameterization. This feature allows user to pass parameters to tests as arguments. This is supported by using the testng @Parameters annotation.

There are mainly two ways through which we can provide parameter values to testng tests.

  1. Through testng.xml XML configuration file
  2. Through DataProviders [link]

The @Parameters annotation can be used for any of the @Before, @After, @Factory, and @Test annotated methods. It can be used to initialize variables and use them in a class, test, or may be for the whole test execution.

1. TestNG @Parameters – test parameters with testng.xml

If you need to pass some simple values such as String See full list on types to the test methods at runtime, you can use this approach of sending parameter values through testng XML configuration files. You have to use the @Parameters annotation for passing parameter values to the test method.

Let's write a simple example of passing parameters to test methods through the XML configuration file.

1.1. Tests

In below test, we created a test class with multiple methods that accepts parameters from testng. The parameter values are set at both suite and test level in the testng XML file.

Any parameter value defined at the test level will override the value of a parameter, with same name, if defined at suite level. You can see this in test three for test method prameterTestThree().

1.2. testng.xml

Now add a testng.xml file to the project root and put the following code to it. Here we define the parameter values to be passed.

I bought 4 AP Calculus review guides, 2 textbooks, and looked up the openly available free response questions from the actual tests for the last 7 years. Unfortunately, I agree with the more recent reviews that this guide is inadequate. 4 AP Calculus BC Unit 3 - Differentiation: Composite, Implicit, and Inverse Functions. Unit 3 Review Video. FREE PREVIEW; Unit 3 Review Video Study Guide. Unit 3 Practice Questions. Unit 3 Practice Questions ANSWERS and EXPLANATIONS. Unit 3 Review Video Study Guide ANSWERS. Annual AP Calculus T-shirt 1213. Annual AP Calculus T-shirt 1314. Christmas Vandalism. Ap chapter 4 answers super integration quiz review.pdf. Start studying AP Calculus Unit 4 Review. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools.


1.3. Demo

Now run above tests using testng.xml. Output of above test run is given below:

As you can see from the test results, only timeTestTwo() for executed because it's execution time was less than timeout time defined in testng.xml file. timeTestOne() execution got cancelled because it took more time to complete than timeout duration configured.

2. TestNG @Parameters – Optional parameters

TestNG also provides an option to provide optional parameters, this value will be used if parameter value is not found in the defined file.

2.1. Test with @Optional annotation

To pass optional parameters, use @Optional annotation.

The preceding class file contains a single test method that takes one parameter as input. The said test method on execution prints the parameter value that is passed onto the console using the System.out.println method.

The parameter value is passed to the test method using the parameter named optional-value from the XML file. An optional value for the said parameter is defined using the @Optional annotation against the said parameter.

2.2. Test with @Optional annotation

In this testng.xml file has two tests defined above. No parameter is defined in the first test where as the second test declares a parameter named ‘optional-value‘ in it.

2.3. Demo

Output of running above code as test suite is :

Setting Up Unique Parameters

Properly parameterizing queries can bring advantages such as:

  • Encouragingexecution plan reuse for complex queries.
  • Providing some protection against SQL Injection Attacks under some circumstances

Generally, when creating a condition in a query where you might use one of severalvalues, it makes sense to parameterize. Option 3 march 12th payment. But, as will be discussed later in thistip, there are cases where the query cannot be fully parameterized.

Parameterizing a Query By Making It a Stored Procedure

If you want to find the sales data for Jack, you could start with a non-parameterizedquery that just pulls up that data:

Undersome circumstances, SQL Server can attempt to parameterize this behind the scenesto facilitate execution plan reuse, but its ability to do that can be limited. Ifyou want to use this query repeatedly to get the data for different sales people,you could instead parameterize the query and turn it into a stored procedure like:

And it could be called like:

Doing it this way explicitly tells SQL Server what the parameters are, whichmakes query execution plan reuse more likely. It also ensures that the salespersonvalue is handled in a way that is normally safer and makes SQL Injection Attacksthrough this procedure more difficult.

This is substantially different from a stored procedure that builds the querythrough concatenation like:

This second version builds a non-parameterized query using dynamic sql. It issimple to exploit a procedure like this in a SQL Injection Attack. It also doesnot explicitly tell SQL Server where the parameters are.

Parameterizing in T-SQL with sp_executesql

Another direct way to parameterize a query in T-SQL is to usesp_executesql and explicitly add your parameters. It looks like:

With sp_executesql the first parameter is the SQL code to be executed, the secondlists the parameters that will be supplied and indicates whether they are outputvariables, and then the actual parameters are passed into the procedure. Both theSQL statement and the list of parameters must be presented in unicode (nvarchar,nchar, or a string prefixed by N like the parameter list in the example.)

Parameterizing in SQL from other languages

Languages that interact with SQL tend to make it simple to parameterize. To parameterizeaSqlCommand put the names of the parameters in the CommandText and then useParameters.Add to add parameters that match the name to the command before executing.It looks like:

A Python example usingpyodbc would looklike:

When the query cannot be (fully) parameterized

Parameterization brings several benefits, including some protection against SQLinjection attacks under some circumstances. But there are certain types of dynamicqueries that cannot be fully parameterized. For instance, SQL Server will not accepta table name or a column name as a parameter. If you tried to do it with sp_executesql,like:

The server merely returns a result set of 'SalesPerson'. Trying to use a parameterfor a tablename in a query causes the server to try to interpret the parameter asa table variable and gives an error like: 'Msg 1087, Level 16, State 1, Line 3 Mustdeclare the table variable '@tableName'.'

So a procedure meant to run against anarbitrary table would need to actually build the SQL command by constructingthe string. Other parts of that query could still be parameterized of course. Asimplified example could look like:

However, building the string that way can make SQL Injection attacks simpler,especially if the user is directly prompted to supply the table or column names.Depending on the expected use cases, it may be wise to perform some string validationbefore execution. Ensuring the application runs with theminimal necessaryaccess to SQL Server can help mitigate that risk to a degree.


Setting Up Unique Parameters Definition

In general, properly applied parameterization can assist in security for SQLServer and can haveperformance implications. But, some queries cannot be fully parameterized suchas when the column names, table names, or other clauses need to be added or modifieddynamically. When non-parameterized dynamic SQL is used, the performance and securityimplications should be kept in mind.

Next Steps
  • To find more on parameterizing in the context of dynamic SQL, look at ErlandSommarskog'sThe Curseand Blessings of Dynamic SQL
  • SQL Injection: Defense in Depth has more on using parameterization as onelayer of defense against some SQL injection attacks.
  • Ad Hoc Queries Don't Reuse Execution Plans: Myth or Fact has more on executionplan reuse
  • SQL Server Simple and Forced Parameterization has more information on howto encourage SQL Server to reuse query execution plans without explicitly parameterizingthe queries yourself.

Last Updated: 2020-01-07

About the author
Tim Wiseman is a SQL Server DBA and Python Developer in Las Vegas.
View all my tips
Related Resources

HowToDoInJava / TestNG / TestNG @Parameters – Test parameters example

One of the important features of TestNG is parameterization. This feature allows user to pass parameters to tests as arguments. This is supported by using the testng @Parameters annotation.

There are mainly two ways through which we can provide parameter values to testng tests.

  1. Through testng.xml XML configuration file
  2. Through DataProviders [link]

The @Parameters annotation can be used for any of the @Before, @After, @Factory, and @Test annotated methods. It can be used to initialize variables and use them in a class, test, or may be for the whole test execution.

1. TestNG @Parameters – test parameters with testng.xml

If you need to pass some simple values such as String See full list on types to the test methods at runtime, you can use this approach of sending parameter values through testng XML configuration files. You have to use the @Parameters annotation for passing parameter values to the test method.

Let's write a simple example of passing parameters to test methods through the XML configuration file.

1.1. Tests

In below test, we created a test class with multiple methods that accepts parameters from testng. The parameter values are set at both suite and test level in the testng XML file.

Any parameter value defined at the test level will override the value of a parameter, with same name, if defined at suite level. You can see this in test three for test method prameterTestThree().

1.2. testng.xml

Now add a testng.xml file to the project root and put the following code to it. Here we define the parameter values to be passed.

I bought 4 AP Calculus review guides, 2 textbooks, and looked up the openly available free response questions from the actual tests for the last 7 years. Unfortunately, I agree with the more recent reviews that this guide is inadequate. 4 AP Calculus BC Unit 3 - Differentiation: Composite, Implicit, and Inverse Functions. Unit 3 Review Video. FREE PREVIEW; Unit 3 Review Video Study Guide. Unit 3 Practice Questions. Unit 3 Practice Questions ANSWERS and EXPLANATIONS. Unit 3 Review Video Study Guide ANSWERS. Annual AP Calculus T-shirt 1213. Annual AP Calculus T-shirt 1314. Christmas Vandalism. Ap chapter 4 answers super integration quiz review.pdf. Start studying AP Calculus Unit 4 Review. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools.

1.3. Demo

Now run above tests using testng.xml. Output of above test run is given below:

As you can see from the test results, only timeTestTwo() for executed because it's execution time was less than timeout time defined in testng.xml file. timeTestOne() execution got cancelled because it took more time to complete than timeout duration configured.

2. TestNG @Parameters – Optional parameters

TestNG also provides an option to provide optional parameters, this value will be used if parameter value is not found in the defined file.

2.1. Test with @Optional annotation

To pass optional parameters, use @Optional annotation.

The preceding class file contains a single test method that takes one parameter as input. The said test method on execution prints the parameter value that is passed onto the console using the System.out.println method.

The parameter value is passed to the test method using the parameter named optional-value from the XML file. An optional value for the said parameter is defined using the @Optional annotation against the said parameter.

2.2. Test with @Optional annotation

In this testng.xml file has two tests defined above. No parameter is defined in the first test where as the second test declares a parameter named ‘optional-value‘ in it.

2.3. Demo

Output of running above code as test suite is :

Setting Up Unique Parameters Meaning

As you can see from the previous test results, TestNG has passed the optional value to the test method during first test execution. This happened because TestNG was unable to find a parameter named optional-value in the XML file from the first test.

During the second test it found the parameter value in the XML and passed the said value to the test method during execution.

Happy Learning !!

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